ABOUT Beth aune

Beth Aune

Beth Aune is the owner-therapist of Desert Occupational Therapy for Kids, a pediatric outpatient clinic. Beth and her team of dedicated and passionate professionals provide assessment and intervention for at-risk children with a variety of diagnoses, including: autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, developmental delay, feeding dysfunction, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy and others. Beth is a co-author of Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom (2010), and Behavior Solutions in and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom (2011). She is a speaker throughout the nation on the topic of practical solutions and strategies for teachers to address challenging behaviors in the school setting. Beth and her team of occupational therapists are dedicated to helping children achieve their highest potential in their daily function, with an emphasis on partnership with parents, caregivers and teachers.

Connect to me:

We are a team of dedicated and passionate professionals that provide assessment and intervention for children with a variety of diagnoses, including: autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, developmental delay, feeding dysfunction, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and others. We are dedicated to helping children achieve their highest potential in their daily function, with an emphasis on partnership with parents and caregivers. We believe that play is a primary occupational performance area that can be used as a therapeutic modality to improve motor skills, social engagement, and the ability to regulate and modulate behavior.


Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community: The Newest Companion in the Bestselling Series!

Behavior Solutions for the Home is a tool for parents who have children whose behaviors are impeding their daily life. Once they see a particular behavior, they can quickly look up an in-the-moment solution, and then learn more about what could be causing that behavior, and more importantly, how to overcome it. This helpful book is intended to provide general, practical solutions for busy (and often overwhelmed) parents who can benefit from a handy reference guide to help them address common behaviors at home and in the community. A must-have for every home with a child with autism and/or sensory issues!

Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom: A Handy Reference Guide that Explains Behaviors Associated with Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and other Special Needs

Behavior Solutions for the Home is a tool for parents who have children whose behaviors are impeding their daily life. Once they see a particular behavior, they can quickly look up an in-the-moment solution, and then learn more about what could be causing that behavior, and more importantly, how to overcome it. This helpful book is intended to provide general, practical solutions for busy (and often overwhelmed) parents who can benefit from a handy reference guide to help them address common behaviors at home and in the community. A must-have for every home with a child with autism and/or sensory issues!

More Behavior Solutions In and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom: A Must-Have for Teachers and Other Educational Professionals!

Quickly find an in the moment solution! Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors. This book builds on the success of the first one by expanding the focus from within the classroom to all areas of the school environment in the hallways, cafeteria, and auditorium, on the playground, and in therapy sessions during the school day. See a particular behavior? Look it up!

Autism in Lockdown: Expert Tips and Insights on Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, schedule changes, safety protocols, and school closings have added unique challenges to everyone’s lives. But even more so for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.

Autism in Lockdown includes the most needed tips and insights from 34 of the world’s leading autism experts, including:

  • Dr. Temple Grandin – Temple in Lockdown
  • Carol Stock Kranowitz – In-Sync Activities to Help Kids Cope with Being Cooped Up
  • Dr. Tony Attwood – COVID-19 and Autism
  • Carol Gray – Social StoriesTM for the Pandemic
  • Ellen Notbohm – When Leaders Fall Short
  • Sheila Wagner – Homeschooling and Homework
  • Dr. Raun Melmed – Tools for Stress Management
  • Dr. Jed Baker – Dealing with the New Normal
  • Dr. Jim Ball – Build Structure for Better Behavior
  • Bobbi Sheahan – Everyone Go to their Rooms!

… And many more