BBC Documentary Claims New UK Research Has Conclusively Ruled Out A Link Between The MMR Vaccine And Autism
A BBC television documentary claims that new research carried out by scientists in Britain has conclusively ruled out a link between autism and the triple MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.
This link was first proposed in 1998 by the British gastroenterologist, Dr Andrew Wakefield, who maintained that a sub-set of autistic children who had received the MMR jab suffered from a new type of bowel disease, which he calls autistic enterocolitis. His theory was that the measles virus in the vaccine was causing a persistent infection. After the publication of Dr Wakefield’s study in the British medical A number of large epidemiological studies in the following years Nevertheless, anti-MMR campaigners insisted that what was needed was Now, such research has been carried out. Scientists at Guy’s Hospital, Dr Timothy Buie, a paediatric gastroenterologist who works at a clinic “I am not sure I can support, at this point, [the view] that the Nevertheless, Rosemary Kessick, the mother of a child with autism, |